DMAE Benefits and Food Sources

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a naturally occurring nutrient found in high concentrations in fish, sardines and salmon in particular. Also, is a hormone metabolically produced in small amounts by the brain, testes and adrenal glands. DMAE is essential to the production of acetylcholine. Choline is used by the body for many critical functions, which include cell membrane integrity and the wholesome functioning of neurotransmitters known as acetylcholines. Structurally, DMAE is similar to choline, however it crosses the blood-brain barrier more easily than choline. While choline is not able to be transferred to the brain, it can undergo a change called methylation, which would allow the brain to absorb it. Acetylcholine is released by the nerves in the central and peripheral nervous system. In the brain, this neurotransmitter regulates learning memory and mood.

DMAE Food Sources

Common food sources include anchovies, sardines, salmon, herring and other fish.

DMAE Benefits

DMAE or dimethylaminoethanol is a crucial substance that functions as a building block for choline, which allows the brain to manufacturer acetylcholine. In various studies, DMAE has been shown to reduce age-related decline in cognitive ability and memory. DMAE has shown beneficial results in the therapy of a variety of cognitive and disruptive disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and memory lapses.

In a double-blind, crossover study designed to measure the effect of DMAE on vigilance and mood,  four subjects categorized as anxiety ridden, and four participants used as controls, were given 1200 mg/day of DMAE for 5 days. The participants then had their EEG and inter-hemispheric coherence measured. In the participants  given DMAE, a important and progressive synchronization of the two hemispheres was noted. This synchronization was correlated with improved neuromotor control, enhancement of behavioral tasks, increased verbal memory, and better control in anxious and rhythmic reactivity.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD) is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging. A ten-week study in 1974 involving 124 children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder found that those who took DMAE supplements (deanol) showed responses comparable to those taking Ritalin. Another double-blind study fifty children aged 6 to 12 years who had been diagnosed with hyperkinesia participated in a double-blind study comparing DMAE to placebo. The dose was increased from 300 mg daily to 500 mg daily by the third week, and continued for ten weeks. Findings revealed statistically significant test score improvements in the treatment group compared to the placebo group.

DMAE Serum

One of the important DMAE advantages is that it promotes healthful skin, by preventing the manufacture of arachidonic acid, which is a substance that leads to the formation of wrinkles. A randomized clinical study has showed that, 3% DMAE facial gel applied daily for sixteen weeks is safe and effective to soften the age-lines on the forehead and fine wrinkles on the face. Developments were noted in forehead lines and lines around the eyes, as well as in lip shape, fullness, and the appearance of aging skin.

DMAE serums are particularly noted for their capability to diminish the spots, that are common and visible signs of aging skin. Lipofuscin is a pigment that causes the brown marks on the skin that are usually called “liver spots”or “age spots”. In addition, in vitro studies  indicate DMAE is an efficient anti-inflammatory agent, especially in the skin, a site of acetylcholine synthesis, storage, secretion, metabolism, and receptivity.

DMAE Dosage

According to researchs have shown that use of 200 mg to 500 mg of DMAE on a daily basis is effective. For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; 100 mg to 300 mg, taken orally once or twice a day. For memory;  100 mg to 300 mg, taken orally once or twice a day. For skin health; Apply a 3% DMAE solution.

Side Effects

It is not recommended for individuals with bipolar depression, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, or seizure disorders. Also, be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women, except with a physician consent.

Trimethylglycine Benefits and Dosage

Trimethylglycine (TMG), commonly known as betaine, is naturally produced in the body to diminish hazardous homocysteine levels. Researches have suggested that TMG, along with other nutrients, helps to reduce potentially toxic levels of homocysteine a naturally occurring amino acid that can be harmful to blood vessels thereby contributing to the development of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular illness. Trimethylglycine works closely with other methyl donors including choline,  vitamin B12,folic acid  and SAMe, and is in addition a precursor of carnitine synthesis.

Trimethylglycine helps convert homocysteine to methionine by donating a methyl group. The process is called methylation, because a methyl group  detaches from a “donor” molecule and attaches onto the homocysteine molecule, converting this potentially toxic amino acid back into methionine.

Once trimethylglycine work has been completed in decreasing homocysteine levels in the body, it becomes another substance known as DMG (dimethylglycine). In Russia, TMG/DMG is used extensively as an sporty performance enhancer, and it has also become popular among American athletes.

Trimethylglycine Benefits

Trimethylglycine is a important aid to reduce homocysteine production and encourage normal heart and  liver function.


Homocysteine is an amino acid, formed as a result of methionine metabolism. Healthy people, homocysteine is converted back into methionine as part of a closed-loop regulatory mechanism that prevents homocysteine levels from becoming too high. The process is called methylation, because a methyl group detaches from a “donor” molecule and attaches onto the homocysteine molecule, converting this potentially toxic amino acid back into methionine. Having high amounts of homocysteine is related to a higher risk of heart illness and stroke. Also, various researches show that high levels of homocysteine may encourage hardening of the arteries.

Trimethylglycine serves as a methyl donor in a reaction converting homocysteine to methionine. Works with vitamin B-6, folic acid and vitamin B12 to help regulate homocysteine levels. Trimethylglycine (500 mg) was administered to healthy male subjects (19-40 years old) finding homocysteine levels were reduced 4 to 6 hours after intake. Analysts concluded TMG capability to augment L-methionine production decreased homocysteine concentrations. In another study, participants who consumed 360 mg of betaine had, on approximate, 10 percent lower concentrations of homocysteine and 19 percent lower concentrations of Creactive protein than did those who consumed 260 mg.

A 2009 study examined the effect of trimethylglycine on atherosclerotic lesion progression in apolipoprotein e-deficient mice. Compared with mice not treated with trimethylglycine following fourteen weeks, mice receiving 1%, 2%, or 4% TMG had 10.8%, 41%, and 37% less lesion areas, respectively. Trimethylglycine furthermore reduced aortic expression of the inflammatory cytokine, TNF-alpha, in a dose-dependent way. These findings suggest that in addition to its homocysteine lowering effect, trimethylglycine may also exert its anti-plaque property by inhibiting aortic inflammatory responses mediated by TNF-alpha.


Homocystinuria, an inherited condition in which the body cannot break down a certain protein, causing build-up of homocysteine in the blood. This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved anhydrous trimethylglycine (Cystadane) for the therapy of homocystinuria, a disease caused by abnormally high homocysteine levels at birth.

Liver Health

Trimethylglycine, is a substance known as a methyl donor. Methyl molecule donation is important for liver and cells to function appropriately. In other words, TMG is necessary for ensuring appropriate liver function, cellular replication and detoxification reactions.

Trimethylglycine may remedy in treating hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Works with folic acid, vitamin B12, folic acid, SAMe, (S-Adenosyl-L-methionine), and choline in your body to support normal liver health. In a trial, supplementation with betaine (20 g) for 12 months improved signs of liver inflammation in 7 patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a type of liver inflammation. No important  adverse effects were seen.

Foods Containing Trimethylglycine

Broccoli, beets, spinach, grains, seeds and shellfish contain low amounts of trimethylglycine. But, most trimethylglycine in nutrient is destroyed during cooking or processing, therefore food isn’t a reliable way to get a effective dosage.

Trimethylglycine Dosage

Trimethylglycine supplements, are available in powder, capsule and tablet forms. These supplements, are manufactured as a byproduct of sugar beet processing. Trimethylglycine is generally taken with vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B12. 6 grams of TMG per day is considered a effective dose in the reduction of high homocysteine levels. Choline (2 grams per day) and trimethylglycine (6 grams per day) have each been shown to lower homocysteine amounts. The maximum safe dosage of TMG supplement has not been determined for pregnant or nursing women, children, or those with severe kidney or liver illness.

Capsaicin Benefits and Substance P

Capsaicin (chemical formula C18H27NO3) is the major chemical that makes chili peppers hot. This compound works on pain by binding to the VR 1 receptors and stripping nerves of substance P, a pain-signaling neurotransmitter. Capsaicin is a compound which stimulates chemoreceptor nerve endings in the skin, particularly the mucous membranes. When a capsaicin ointment or cream used on the skin, helps relieve pain.

Capsaicin Benefits

Capsaicin cream and ointments are used externally to treat pain from osteoarthritis, shingles and the skin sensations from pruritus. It is available as a cream in two diverse strengths 0.075% and 0.025%. The stronger cream (Axsain) is licensed for use in postherpetic neuralgia – to be applied after the rash has healed – and painful diabetic neuropathy. The weaker-cream  (Zacin) is licensed for use in the symptomatic relaxation of osteoarthritis.

• Substance P

Capsaicin are felt to help deplete substance P from local nerve endings and relieve pain. Substance P is an significant factor in pain perception. Capsaicin is thought to reduce pain sensation by temporarily depleting a neurotransmitter, substance P (also known as SP), which relays pain signals to the brain. At first actually, the release of substance P causes pain, but eventually the nerve terminals become depleted of substance P, leading to loss of the pain sensation. Effectual use of capsaicin requires topical use 4 or 5 times daily for a period of at least four weeks.

• Capsaicin and Arthritis

Researches have shown that capsaicin can relieve arthritis symptoms and improve flexibility of the joints. Capsaicin has very strong pain-relieving effects when applied to the skin. A study reported in Clinical Therapeutics in 1991 involved 31 rheumatoid arthritis and 70 osteoarthritis patients. Participants were instructed to apply 0.025% capsaicin or placebo to painful knees, 4 times a day. Findings revealed that 80 percent of patients treated with capsaicin experienced pain reduction following 2 weeks of therapy.

• Psoriasis

Psora is a skin illness that affects different areas of the body, including the scalp, knees and elbows. A double-blind evaluation; of topical capsaicin in pruritic psoriasis showed that people with psora who took capsaicin cream had reduced itching, scaling, redness compared with individuals who used a placebo.

• Post-Herpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a nerve pain that persists after a shingles rash has cleared. Neuralgia is a term that describes nerve pain. The pain is generally a constant, burning, or gnawing pain. A capsaicin product, approved by the Food and Drug Administration, is available for the cure of post-herpetic neuralgia. A study reported in Clinical Therapeutics demonstrated important development in pain from shingles or postherpetic neuralgia in 86% patient treated with capsaicin for up to 2 years.

• Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a debilitating disorder that occurs in approximately 50 % of patients with diabetes. Excessive blood sugar can harm nerve fibers throughout your body, however diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your feet and legs. A 1991 study concluded that capsaicin cream reduced the level of pain caused by diabetic neuropathy. A meta-analysis of 4 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of capsaicin in diabetic neuropathy found capsaicin to be more effective than placebo. But, capsaicin’s performance in relieving pain from diabetic neuropathy is extremely variable.  Sometimes it makes the pain worse. If you have painful diabetic neuropathy, it is a good idea to consult physician before.

• Cancer

There have been different clinical trials conducted in China and Japan that shows natural capsaicin directly inhibits the growth of leukemic cells. Capsaicin avoids the replication of prostate cancer cells, according to a 2006 research reported in Cancer Research. Other study carried out at the “University of Nottingham” suggests capsaicin is able to trigger apoptosis in human lung cancer cells.

SAM-e Dosage for Depression

SAM-e (S-Adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring molecule distributed to virtually all body tissues and fluids. SAM-e helps regulate your brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Using a process known as methylation, S-adenosylmethionine donates methyl groups to other chemical compounds, assisting in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, hormones and more. When S-adenosylmethionine, is low in the body, less dopamine and serotonin is produced. Being insufficient in either methionine, folate or vitamin B12 may reduce levels of SAMe in your body.


SAMe was first discovered in 1952 in Italy. In the 1970’s, after an Italian laboratory learned to produce it in cell cultures, SAM-e was researched as an antidepressant. S-adenosylmethionine, known in Europe as the pharmaceutical drug Ademetionine, has been used to cure depression for years. Though reduced levels of serotonin and dopamine are associated with depression, these chemicals cannot be taken as oral supplements. But, S-Adenosyl-L-methionine is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, and may work by enabling the body to make more of these neurotransmitters directly within the brain. Because its encouragement of the methylation pathway, SAM-e may increase serum levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

Massachusetts General Hospital scientists have evaluated the efficiency of oral SAMe in combination with antidepressant drugs. Seventy-three patients with treatment-resistant major depression were randomized to take SAMe  or a placebo. Both groups continued to take their SSRI. Found that SAMe, in combination with standard depression therapy, was more effective than antidepressant treatment alone in improving measures of depression and remission rates of patients with significant clinical depression.

The 2009 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry published that when given by injection, S-adenosylmethionine, has been found to be as effective as some antidepressant drugs and more powerful than a placebo in the therapy of major depression. Nine people given intravenous SAMe and nine given low oral doses of imipramine were compared in a double-blind design for 14 days. The SAMe produced superior results by the end of the first week of therapy. By the end of the second week, 66 percent of the SAMe patients had a clinically important development in depressive symptoms, compared to 22 percent of the imipramine patients.

The researchers studied the antidepressant efficiency of oral SAMe in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for 15 inpatients with major depression.The findings suggest that oral SAMe is a safe, effectual antidepressant with few side effects and a rapid onset of action. S-adenosylmethionine, is a safe, efficient therapy for depression among people living with HIV. A study reported in the November 2004 edition of “BioMed Central Psychiatry” treated depression and anxiety in AIDS patients with dosages starting at 200 mg twice a day, increasing to as much as 1600 mg twice a day over the eight week course of treatment. The researchers concluded that SAMe was safe and efficient for patients living with HIV.

SAM-e Dosage for Depression

A typical recommended dose of SAMe is 400 mg taken 3 to 4 times per day. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the recommended daily dose for depressed individuals is 800 mg to 1,600 mg per day. Starting with a low dose and increasing slowly helps prevent stomach upset. Some experts recommend taking oral SAMe with folic acid, vitamin B12, methionine and trimethylglycine to enhance absorption.

Side Effects

S-adenosylmethionine is contraindicated in individuals with a history of mania or bipolar disorder.

Organic Germanium Facts and Benefits

Germanium is a trace element discovered by Clemens Alexander Winkler in 1886. The inorganic mineral is basically used in the electronics sector as a semiconductor of electricity. Since 1948, inorganic forms of industrial-grade germanium have been used commercially in the semiconductor electronics industry. The organic form of germanium occurs in certain plants. Experts, estimate daily intake for humans is between 0.1 and 4 mg. Like several minerals, germanium exists in different forms.

What is Germanium Ge-132?

Ge-132 is a compound that contains germanium, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Germanium sesquioxide contains a germanium carbon bond and is hence correctly classified as an organic form. Germanium dioxide lacks a germanium carbon bond and is consequently classified as inorganic. At the present time, the term Ge-132 is used interchangeably with the name organic germanium to indicate the compound bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide.

Dr. Asai of began investigating the biological properties of germanium after reading reports from Russia that said the mineral had enormous medicinal value. Dr. Kazuhiko Asai original research with organic germanium extracted from plant sources convinced him that it could result in important effects. But, it soon became apparent that extracting the amounts necessary to treat diseases was too costly. Nevertheless, Dr. Asai succeeded in developing a formula for producing an organic germanium, Ge-132, that was chemically identical to the form he had extracted from plants. The chemical name for this organic-germanium compound is bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide. In 1969, Dr. Asai founded the Asai “Germanium Research Institute”. (The research and clinical study by Dr. Kazuhiko Asai is summarized in his book Miracle Cure; “Organic Germanium”)

What is Organic Germanium Used For?

Germanium sesquioxide helps maintain the body’s natural production of gamma interferon and natural killer cells. Its medicinal attributes immune-enhancement, free radical scavenging, oxygen enrichment, analgesia and heavy metal detoxification. Organic germanium anti-viral and immunological effects, including the induction of interferon, macrophages, T-suppressor cells and augmentation of natural killer (NK) cell activity, suggest its possible efficacy in treating and/or preventing AIDS. According to Dr. Kazuhiko Asai, organic germanium has favorable effects on people with cancer of the lung, bladder, breast cancer, leukemia,  diabetes, hypertension, asthma, heart weakness, softening of the brain, myoma of the uterus, cirrhosis of liver.

Organic Germanium Facts and Benefits

Ge -132  stimulates the synthesis of gamma interferon in the body. Moreover allowing better supply of human cells with oxygen, according to a study reported in the journal “Journal of Interferon Research”, organic germanium  restores the normal function of T cells, B-lymphocytes and NK (Natural Killers) cell activities and numbers of antibody-forming cells.”The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine” reported that germanium was found to be a stunning immunostimulant capable of raising immune functions and maintaining them within optimum ranges.

“Organic germanium restores the normal function of T cells, B lymphocytes, antibody-dependent cell toxicity, natural killer cell activity (NK), and numbers of antibody-forming cells. Studies indicate that this compound has unique physiological activities without any major toxic effects.” (The Journal of Interferon Research 4 -1984)

“Organic germanium-treated test animals showed an inhibitory effect against certain tumors in such a way that suggests that the effect is the result of macrophage activity.”(Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 12 November 1985: 2122-8 )

“As an example for further explanation, white rats were exposed to radiation until red and white blood cells were reduced by 50%. They were then injected with an organic germanium solution. Two weeks later, the number of red and white cells was completely recovered. Moreover, although the bone marrow, which makes blood, was destroyed by radiation, it also recovered its function.” (Japanese Radiation Medical Association Vol. 18 No. 11).

“Test animals were inoculated with carcinoma of leukemia cells, and then treated orally with organic germanium. The study demonstrated that the effect of the organic germanium works through the body’s defense mechanisms rather than attacking the cancer itself.” (Anticancer Research 5, Sept-Oct 1985:479-83)

Organic germanium facilitates the movement of oxygen across cellular membranes to deliver oxygen into the cells. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel prize-winning scientist, discovered that cancer cells do not metabolize oxygen properly. Malignant cells can not optimally use oxygen so they develop only in conditions without oxygen. Ge -132 s unique chemical structure may strongly attract and absorb  electrons.  In this manner, it may facilitate of oxygen as and “electron sink” necessary for energy-yielding electron transfer processes. In cells which cannot utilize oxygen, it is predictable that Organic Germanium’s presence as and “oxygen-catalyst” could have  harmful, effects on malignant cells and may, hence, demonstrate medicinal value.

Food Sources Organic Germanium

Trametes cinnabarina (800-2000 ppm), Garlic (754 ppm), Codonopsis Tangshen (257 ppm), Ginseng (from Shinano district, Japan-320 ppm), Trapajaponica Flerov (239 ppm), Symphytum Peregimum (152 ppm), Lithosemi Radix (88 ppm), Bandai moss (255 ppm), Aloe (77 ppm), Chlorella (76 ppm).

Organic Germanium Dosage

Dr. Kazuhiko Asai experimented with Ge-132, in doses ranging from 100-300 milligrams. Under medical control patients with a broad range of symptoms have been treated with organic germanium at doses from 500 to 1000 milligrams. It is recommended that patients who want to take organic germanium at higher medicinal doses do so under the control of a doctor. Good quality organic germanium products have a purity of 99.7 percent or greater. Wrong manufacturing procedures can result in impure organic germanium. Contamination of germanium sesquioxide with risky levels of inorganic germanium occurs just as a result of carelessness or a malicious behavior. A research conducted by the Food and Drug Administration found at least 31 cases of kidney failure linked to germanium products.